sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2012


Oi galerinha (:
Tem um tempinho que não escrevo né?
Mas é que agora meu pc não está funcionando,
então preciso de um tempo pra poder escrever em outro lugar!
A verdade é que daqui uns 30 dias eu estarei de volta para o
Aprendi muito aqui no Canadá, e é justamente sobre o que eu aprendi esse
último mês que eu quero falar.

Bom.. o que aconteceu foi que hoje eu vi um filme que contava a história de um menino
que ganhou super poderes e blá blá blá, mas o importante da vida dele
era o relacionamento dele com o pai dele e a mãe dele!
Calma! Vou explicar melhor ok? Agora estou só jogando os fatos ok?
Agora sim começarei a explicar (:

Tá.. o que acontece é que estou preocupada sabe?
No filme o pai do menino era alcoólatra, batia no filho,
a mãe dele era doente, ele era perturbado por causa disso,
ele era tímido, não tinha amigos, era um adolescente pertubado
e taus.. esse era o menino!
Hoje, conversando sobre psicologia com uma brasileira
ela falou 'o que fazemos na infância reflete totalmente na vida maior (adolescência e adulta)!
E dai Carol? E daí que as atitudes que os pais dele tomaram,
a forma como trataram ele meio que influênciou ele a ser assim!
Isso me abriu os olhos bastante pra onde as minhas atitudes vão refletir sabe?
Não é só questão de pai e filho, ou mãe e filho,
é questão do que você reflete na vida das pessoas!
Eu não quero ser uma mãe que meu filho vai olhar pra mim
com medo ou me odiando! Quero ser amiga dele e poder saber
que fiz o melhor pra ele sabe?
Será que você é lembrado(a) na vida das pessoas como uma pessoa que fez algo
bom? Ou será que olham pra você e falam 'ela é uma fofoqueira',
'ele só faz merda', 'ela foi a pior coisa que aconteceu na minha vida',
'ele não é uma pessoa confiável',
sei lá.. como será que as pessoas olham pra você?

E além delas olharem, como você corresponde as pessoas com atitudes 'erradas'?
Tipo... No filme o pai dele era um monstro, e nem por isso ele respondia o pai,
ou tratava mal, ou batia de volta ou coisas como isso! Tá que no final o menino virou o malvado
da história, mas esquece essa parte! :p
A questão é que muitas vezes também há pessoas que marcam nossa vida
pelas coisas ruins que elas fizeram, mas é escolha nossa se vamos nos tornar como eles
e devolver da mesma forma ou mostrar a nossa diferença.
Sei lá... o filme me deixou muito triste por ver o que o pai fez com o futuro do filho sabe?
No final o filho se torna um monstro e morre :(
É triste :/

Só acho que deveríamos prestar atenção no que fazemos pra depois não lamentar pelos erros
lá na frente! Tenho certeza que quando um filho bate na cara de uma mãe,
ela com certeza pensa 'o que que eu fiz?'. Na verdade ela não fez nada!
Tinha que educar desde de criança, tem que ser do princípio!
Fazer a diferença é difícil, eu sei! Pensa no menino!
Tinha um pai alcoólatra! Pensa você tratar seu pai bem, respeitar ele mesmo sabendo que o pai cometia erros, mesmo sabendo que o pai não era perfeito e tudo mais.
Não é fácil falar eu te amo quando ninguém fala!
Não é fácil dar a outra face quando na verdade sua mão está doidinha pra conhecer
a face do irmãozinho!
Porém não acho que foi fácil Jesus falar 'Vou morrer por esse povo todo que me odeia e que está me prendendo nessa cruz, mesmo eles cuspindo em mim, mesmo me rejeitando e tudo mais'!
Não é uma questão de troca 'vou ser bonzinho porque Jesus foi comigo!'.
É questão de ser diferente porque você quer e não porque alguém obriga!
Ah.. é isso.. é difícil me entender, mas é fácil também !

E eu achei um vídeo de um homem que falou muitas coisas interessantes!
Vê aí (:

Os vídeos são iguais você só escolhe o que achar melhor (:

Beijos, estou com saudades do Brasil!

Fiquem com Papai :*

'Talvez eu não mude o mundo, mas posso fazer o mundo de alguém melhor!'

Agora em portunglish!
Now in portuenglish!

Hi people (:
I didn’t write for a long time, I know!
It is because my computer isn’t function.
The truth is that I Will back in 30 days
For my home, sweet home (:
I learned a lot here in Canada, and I will just talk about
What I learned this last month.

I watched a movie today about a boy that received a superpowers,
And blábláblá, but the important part is about this relationship with
His mother and father!
Wait… I going to explain better ok?

In the movie his father was alcoholic,
Beat his son, his mother was sick, he was disturbed,
He was shy and he didn’t have friends :S
Today I was talking with a girl from Brazil and she said
‘What we did in our childhood will reflect in our future (youth and adulthood)!
His father’s attitudes influenced Him to be like He is now!
When I watched it I thought ‘where my attitude will be reflecting?’
It is not just father with son, or daughter with mother,

I don’t want be a mother that my son will look to me scared or
Hating me! I want be her friend and know that
What I did to him is the best!
The people remember you like a person that did something good or bad at
 them life? They are looking for you like ‘she is a gossip’, ‘He do just wrong things’,
‘She was the worst thing that happened in all my life’,
‘He is not a trustworthy person’, I don’t know…
How the people look to you?

And beyond how they look, how do you answer them?
Like… at the movie his father was almost a monster, and
or so he answered his father, or was poorly,
He didn’t do something bad back to his father.
Ok that in the end he changed to a bad boy, but forget this part! :p
The question is that a lot time people marked our life because did something
Bad with us, but is our choice if we will be like them or
Give to them our difference!

I don’t know, the movie made me sad to see what his dad made
With his future.
And in the end the boy is a monster and die :(
Is sad! :/

I find this video and maybe you will like (:
Try it is in english!

'I may not change the world, but I can make the world a better man!'

terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2012

Babi's testimony

Hi, this is my first time here. I have butterflies in my stomach, and a lot responsibility, but I think that God will in front this messenger! :D I going to tell about my testimony.
My parents were always religious, I and my siblings were always obliged to go to the church. My parents said: If you don’t go to the church, in this Saturday you won’t to a party. So I always went to the church because was a obliged, the church to me was something boring that prevented me to go out with my friends. My friends said “Do you want go to the club with us?” and I needed say “afff… I can’t! I need go to a church”. I was at the church, I pretty much born into it, but I didn’t love the most important: JESUS! If you don’t love him, no point in going to church. You are going at His house fraternize with people that love him, if you don’t love him, don’t have reason to go there. In my mediocre mind I was sure that “God was at the sky and I was at the Earth” so we could not have any kind of intimacy. He was God, He was bad because he didn’t had reason to destroy the world if it was Himself who created. He was egoist, I didn’t have reason, but I saw Him in this way. He was boring because He interfered in my Saturdays with my “friends”. I was self-sufficient, I had this sentence with me “All that I want, I can”, ultimately, I choose live my life by myself, without anyone’s help, principally help of God. Sometimes I prayed, but only when I was not tired, after all God have a lot people to listen .. Why He will listen me? When I was 13 I started go out, tried everything that you can imagine, even I took my friends with me, I had this need to be recognized, we know why: “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” (Jeremiah 01:05).
Because before all this here, we came from Him, we have a memory of God in our life, an empty, a longing. My life was beautiful and wonderful in the eyes of my friends, I was famous in my city, a lot people wanted be my friend, I thought that it was so good. Not till my boyfriend, no friends, no family, NOTHING helped me with my empty space. Sometimes I was crying no reason. So my bestfriend “Maira” accepted God and I was at her house and she talked about God all the time, and listening music about God and she not wanted more listen our custom song. So I not wanted see her face again! Boring Girl! Now she go to the church and moved away from me, so I moved away from her too! But she decided a serious decision, she starts pray for me, and a pray has tremendous power! A few months after I started to feel strange, I wanted something biger than I had at my life.
So one day I sat in my bed and said for the first time “God! If you even exist, change my life!”. So God started His work, He took my boyfriend that was obsessed for me and away to far way, He took my friendship and away to far way, and was putting people in my life that made me grow in Him! But if you think that was easy, not was, live with God not is easy, is enjoyable, is wonderful, is incrible, but not easy because there is also the devil and he does everything to get you away from Jesus! How would I do to talk to my family that I've belive in God? Wow... was so difficult, I starts when to the church, that today is my second house and when he discovered he was really irritated, prohibited me to read a bible that Carol was give to me, my family were really mad with me, everybody said that I was turned a rebel, prohibited me to go to the church, but anyway I didn’t give up Jesus. I dressed short clothes and I said to them that I wanted dance and they allowed me, but in true I was to the church. A Day I was crying a lot at my house and I said “Jesus, why everybody can go to the church and I can’t? why? why?” And Lord talked with me so calm ‘Barbara, who is the lie’s father?’ And I answered ‘Devil’ and He said ‘Why when you go to the church you lie? I’m God, True God, belive in me’. In that day started my life with God, there started “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6). And today I know what the value exist in go to the church, if all the things was happened quickly, today I don’t give the real value for Lord. I know that if the things as happened in my time, like I wanted, today I would not be with Him. But he knows it! He preserved me, He choose me and today Jesus choose you too. If you are here, reading it, spending your time here, is because you want more from God. It isn’t easy, principally if you are the only Christian at your family, but one day Jesus said to me ‘you can show Me with yours attitudes’. Is you want that your family try what you experimented your attitudes need be change, you need love them, Jesus said that what we do for others is like do to Him. Don’t judge them, love them! There are several ways to demonstrate this to them. Today my dad allow me to go to the church, sometimes He say something, but He don’t ban me! Sometimes I changed a party at the church to stay with my family, and with this attitudes I can show Jesus in my life, it wasn’t it, I was humiliated for my own family! I listen from my dad ‘Devil is using you to destruct our family’, but Jesus say "I have told you this, that in me ye might have peace in world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.". If the truth come from inside you what that everybody say is not important, you know what you felling, don’t give up on Jesus because He never give up on you. Start a relationship with Him at your bedroom, is in the secret that He Will answer you! A lot times I was at the bathroom at night to read a bible for anyone see, but Jesus was seeing, He is the important! If you want to know more and more from  Jesus start reading the love letter he wrote to you every day, but be carefully, you will be in love with him! Summarize a little bit of my testimony because I was afraid of getting too great, but amen, I believe the Lord will speak with you, just a decision, is now with you.
I'll be praying for you, pray for me too ;) God bless you.

Hugs Babi :)